About me…

I am a change agent and catalyst in emerging technologies, helping industry, academics, and authorities to better understand the rapid changes and drivers of this change. I give key-notes and facilitate dialogues around key strategic challenges that determine the future of the organization.

I further lead and co-create transformation journey’s for senior leadership around digital, technology, innovation and new business models. Helping decision makers to make sense of the bigger opportunity space that is created through digitization and exponential technology and converting this into 1-2 concrete initiatives to start with.  

At Deloitte’s Center for the Edge I combine new perspectives on transformation with solid experience in converting this in new value at the edge of the core business. I do so by creating awareness and urgency around disruption and transformation, connect and engage with our clients aimed at long-term trusted relationships, empower my network of partners to maximize the impact by mobilizing others, and ultimately create an impact that matters. I am especially passionate about the Future of Manufacturing, Generative design, Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous driving.

“Value can come from an inspirational dialogue as well as from a paid speaking engagement”